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来自 : CSDN技术社区 发布时间:2021-03-24

您还没有提到要将哪些数据传递给已编码的函数。在#Document Frequency

document_frequecy_data_1 { word : to ,

frequency : 993427,

info :

[ { document_id : 1 ,

occurrence_count : 6 ,

positions : [ 7, 18, 33, 72, 86, 231]


{ document_id : 2 ,

occurrence_count : 5 ,

positions : [ 1, 17, 74, 222, 255]


{ document_id : 4 ,

occurrence_count : 5 ,

positions : [ 8, 16 , 190, 429, 433]


{ document_id : 5 ,

occurrence_count : 2 ,

positions : [ 363, 367 ]


{ document_id : 7 ,

occurrence_count : 3 ,

positions : [ 13, 23, 191]




document_frequecy_data_2 { word : be ,

frequency : 178239,

info :

[ { document_id : 1 ,

occurrence_count : 2,

positions : [ 17, 25]


{ document_id : 4 ,

occurrence_count : 5 ,

positions : [ 17, 191, 291, 430, 434]


{ document_id : 5 ,

occurrence_count : 3 ,

positions : [ 14, 19, 101 ]




def pos_intersect(data_1, data_2, k 1):

answer []

data_info_1 data_1[ info ]

data_info_2 data_2[ info ]

i 0

j 0

while ( i len(data_info_1) and j len(data_info_2)):

document_id_1 data_info_1[i][ document_id ]

document_id_2 data_info_2[j][ document_id ]

if ( document_id_1 document_id_2):

pos_res_list []

pos_list_1 data_info_1[i][ positions ]

pos_list_2 data_info_2[j][ positions ]

k 0

while ( k len(pos_list_1) ):

l 0

while (l len(pos_list_2)) :

distance abs(pos_list_1[k] - pos_list_2[l])

if ( distance k):


elif pos_list_2[l] pos_list_1[k]:


l l 1

for item in pos_res_list:

distance abs(pos_list_2[item] - pos_list_1[k] )

if distance k :


for item in pos_res_list:

answer.append({ document_id : document_id_1, position_data_1 : pos_list_1[k] , position_data_2 : pos_list_2[item] } )

k k 1

i i 1

j j 1


if document_id_1 document_id_2:

i i 1


j j 1

return answer

results pos_intersect(document_frequecy_data_1, document_frequecy_data_2, 4)

print Results :

for res in results:

print Document id : , res[ document_id ] , Position 1: , res[ position_data_1 ], Position 2 : , res[ position_data_1 ]

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本文链接: http://intersac.immuno-online.com/view-691101.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)